Affiliate Disclosure

IceDigit strives to provide thorough, unbiased information to help readers make smart financial decisions. From time to time, we may review or mention specific financial products and services on our site.

In some cases, we may be an affiliate partner for certain companies or products mentioned. This means if you decide to sign up for or purchase a product through one of our affiliate links, IceDigit may receive a small commission from the merchant at no extra cost to you.

Please know that we only recommend products, services and companies that we truly believe in. We aim to provide value first, and would never intentionally mislead readers for the sake of a commission.

Our affiliate relationships do not influence the recommendations or advice given on IceDigit. All opinions expressed about merchants and products are our own, based on research and testing.

This disclosure is made per the Federal Trade Commission’s guidelines on operating a transparent affiliate marketing program. We remain committed to giving readers honest, objective guidance in the complex world of personal finance.

If you have any other questions about our policies or affiliations, please feel free to reach out to [email protected]. We’re happy to provide any additional details or clarity needed.